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Responsible scientist

Gunnar G. Raddum
, Institute:
Department of Zoology, University of Bergen,
Allégt. 41
Bergen, Norway
Phone: +47 55 582236,
Fax: +47 55 589674

Associate professor, University of Bergen 1974-1980. Senior scientist, University of Bergen 1981-1988. Research manager University of Bergen from 1988. Visiting professor at University of Washington 1984. Member of the steering board of the SNSF-project 1976-1980. Chairman of the Norwegian Hydrobiological association 1980- 1982. Member of the Nature and Environmental board, at the Water System Management Association in Norway since 1986. Member of the Programme Centre of the UNECE ICP on Assessment and Monitoring of Acidification of Rivers and Lakes (biological co-ordinator) since 1986. Member of the Committee for assessments of the development of acidification in Norway, established by the Directorate for Nature Management, 1993. Member of the steering group of the EC projects: AL:PE I (1991-1993), AL:PE II (1993-1995) and MOLAR (1996-1999). National representative of Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL), 1999.


Arne Fjellheim,
Department of Zoology, University of Bergen,
Allégt. 41
Bergen, Norway,
Phone: +47 55 582236,
Fax: +47 55 589674

Senior scientist 1987. Experience: 1976- 1980: Research assistant "The weir project" (restoration of regulated rivers) Institute of zoology, University of Bergen. 1980-1999: Researcher/senior scientist, Institute of zoology: The biotope adjustment programme (1980-1990), The Norwegian monitoring programme of acidification (1981-1999), The Norwegian Liming programme (1985-1999). International Publications (refereed): 35, National Publications: 190. International activity: Participation in EC projects: AL:PE I (1991-1993), AL:PE II (1993-1995) and MOLAR (1996-1999). Main activity: ecology of benthic invertebrates and salmonids, acid rain research.

Oyvind Schnell,
Department of Zoology, University of Bergen,
Allégt. 41
Bergen, Norway,
Phone: +47 55 582236,
Fax: +47 55 589674


UiB co-ordinates the programme of invertebrate analyses throughout EMERGE; organises biological harmonisation sample exchanges and workshops for invertebrate (particularly) chironomid taxonomy; and convenes the overall programme for biological harmonisation. UiB carries out all invertebrate analyses from Norway, Scotland, Austria, Finland and Greenland; and those from sediment cores in Italy. Assistance with field sampling is given in Greenland, Bulgaria and Romania in association with national partners. UiB participates in the fishing programmes in Greenland, Norway, Austria, Spain and Bulgaria with particular input to the analysis of fish food organisms for trace metals and organic pollution.

Lake Districts:

Recent Publications

Distribution of benthic invertebrates in relation to environmental factors. A study of European remote alpine lake ecosystems.

Fjellheim, A., Boggero, A., Halvorsen, G. A., Nocentini, A. M., Rieradevall, M., Raddum G. G. & Schnell, O. A. (1999) Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27, (in press).

Quantitative relationships of invertebrates to pH in Norwegian river systems

Larsen, J., Birks, H.J.B., Raddum, G.G. & Fjellheim, A. (1996) Hydrobiologia, 328, 57-74.

Critical limits for acid neutralizing capacity in Norwegian surface waters, based on new analyses of fish and invertebrates

Lien, L., Raddum, G.G., Fjellheim,A. & Henriksen, A. (1996) The Science of the Total Environment, 117, 173-193.

Critical limits af acidification to invertebrates in different regions of Europe

Raddum, G.G. & Skjelkvale (1995) Water Air and Soil Poln., 85, 475 - 480.

The chironomid (Diptera) communities in two sediment cores from Store Hovvatn, S. Norway, an acidified lake

Schnell, O.A. & Willassen, E. (1996) Annls Limnol. 32, 45-61.

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