WP 10: Data storage and dissemination
Lead Contractor
Lead Partners
Task 10.1
Task 10.2
Task 10.3
to configure, operate and maintain the computer-based
storage, access, retrieval and presentation of data needed by the
to distribute project data and project results between
scientists to disseminate data to develop a forum for end-users to
present methodologies and results
Task 10.1.: Database and GIS
The aim of this task is to configure, operate and maintain
the computer-based storage, access, retrieval and presentation of
data needed by the EMERGE and related projects. The database needs
to include tools for data visualisation (GIS and graphical
packages), tools for statistical analysis, and tools to create
trend diagrams and maps. The ENSYS A/S database system developed
in Norway is ideal for these functions although some customisation
is required to handle the different data types generated by
EMERGE. The GIS functionality in ENSYS is built with use of
MapObjects from ESRI, which is the company that develops
ArcInfo/ArcView. This ensures compatibility between ENSYS and the
most commonly used GIS tools. The central database will be located
with partner No. 3 with copies held at partners No.1 and No. 4. A
central database manager will administer the system.
Task 10.2.: Distribution of project data and project results between participating scientists
Project data will be distributed to participating scientists
using the Internet. A web interface will be provided to enable
data searching by geographical criteria (e.g. country), medium
(e.g. water sample, deposition data, sediments, fish) and
parameter (e.g. pH, Al, SO4).
Task 10.3.: Data dissemination, news and discussion
The Internet will also be used to provide communication and
discussion between participating scientists (password protected)
and more generally to provide a news and discussion service on
mountain lakes and transboundary air pollutants in Europe for the
general public. The web site will use the most recent developments
in internet technology, such as HyperNews. To communicate with and
receive feedback from end-users and stakeholders, workshops of
relevant and interested parties will be organised at the beginning
and at the end of the project.
Lead Contractor
NIVA - Norwegian Water
Research Institute, Oslo, Norway
Lead Partners
ECRC-UCL - Environmental
Change Research Centre, University College London, UK
CU-Prague - Faculty of
Science, Department of Hydrobiology, Charles University, Prague,
Czech Republic