Publications and reports from the AL:PE project
Papers and conference proceedings
Battarbee, R.W., Wathne, Johannessen, M., B.M., Mosello, R., Patrick, S., Raddum, G.G., Rosseland, B.O., Grimalt, J.O., Catalan, J., Hofer, R., Psenner, R., Schmidt, R., Lami, A., Cameron, N.G., Rose, N.L., Jones, V.J., Birks, H.J.B. 1995. Remote mountain lakes as indicators of environmetal change. In: Proc.of the SETAC Congress, Copenhagen, 25-28 June 1995.
Battarbee, R.W., Jones, V.J., Flower, R.J., Appleby, P.G., Rose, N.L., and Rippey, B. 1995. Palaeolimnological Evidence for the Atmospheric Contamination and Acidification of High Cairngorm Lochs, with Special Reference to Lochnagar. Bot. J. Scotl. 48(1), pp. 79-87.
Bennion, H. 1995. Surface-sediment diatom assemblages in shallow, artificial, enriched ponds, and implications for reconstructing trophic status. Diatom Research, Volume 10 (1), pp. 1-19.
Bennion, H., Wunsam, S., and Schmidt, R. 1995. The validation of diatom-phosphorus transfer functions: an example from Mondsee, Austria. Freshwater Biology 34, pp. 271-283.
Boggero, A. A. Barbieri, M. Conedera, A. Marchetto, R. Mosello & G.A. Tartari. 1993. Land cover as a factor influencing the chemistry of mountain lakes in the western Alps. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 25 772-775.
Camarero, L., Catalan, J.,Mosello, R., Marchetto, A., Psenner, R. 1995. Comparison of the chemistry of high altiutde lakes in central, southwest and southeast Europe (Alps, Pyrenees, Pirin). Limnologica, 25, pp. 141-156.
Camarero, L., Catalan, J., Pla, S.,Rieradevall, M.,Jimenez, M. Prat, N., Rodriguez, D., Encina, L., Cruz-Pizarro, L., Sachez Castillo, P., Carillo, P., Toro. M., Grimalt, J., Berdie, L., Fernandez, P., Vilanova, R. 1996. Remote Mountain Lakes as Indicators of diffuse acidic and organic pollution in the Iberian Peninsula (AL:PE 2 Studies). Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85: 487-492. Kluwer Acad. Publ.
Camarero, L., Catalan, J., Pla, S.,Rieradevall, M.,Jimenez, M. Prat, N., Rodriguez, D., Encina, L., Cruz-Pizarro, L., Sachez Castillo, P., Carillo, P., Toro. M., Grimalt, J., Fernandez, P., Vilanova, R. 1995. AL:PE 2 Iberian peninsula studies: The southwestern limit of acidification in Europe. In: Proc. 5th. Int. Conf. Acidic Deposition, Gothenburg, June 1995
Camarero, L., Catalan, J., Boggero, A., Marchetto, A., Mosello, R., and Psenner, R. 1995. Acidification in high Mountain Lakes in Central, Southwest, and Southeast Europe (Alps, Pyrennees, Pirin). Limnologica 25 (2) pp. 141-156.
Fernandez, P., Vilanova, R., Beride, L., and Grimalt, J.O. 1994. Selectivity effects in semi-polar columns. II. Journal of chromatography 688, pp. 363-367.
Galas, J., Dumnicka, E., Kawecka, B., Kownacki, A., Jelonek, M., Stos, P., Wojtan, K. 1996. Ecosystems of some Tatra Lakes - the Polish Participation in the international project AL:PE 2. in: Kownacki, A. (ed.) Tatra National Park. Nature and Man. Vol. 2 Biology. pp. 96-99. Tatra National Park, Polish Soc. of Earth Sciences, Cracow Branch, Krakow - Zakopane.
Galas, J., Dumnicka, E., Kawecka, B., Kownacki, A., Jelonek, M., Stos, P., and Wojtan, K. 1996. Ekosystemy wybranych jezior tatrza~ skich - polski udzia| w miT dzynarodowym programie AL:PE 2. (Ecosystems of some Tatra lakes - the Polish participation in the international project ALA:PE 2. In: Kownacki, A. (ed). Tatra National Park, Nature and Man. Vol 2 Biology. pp. 96-99.
Guilizzoni, P., A. Lami & A. Marchetto. 1992. Plant pigment ratios from lake sediments as indicators of recent acidification in alpine lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 37: 1565-1569.
Guilizzoni, P., A. Marchetto, A. Lami, N.G. Cameron, P.G. Appleby, N.L. Rose, R. A. Schnell, C.A. Belis, A. Giorgis, L. Guzzi. (1995). Environmental History of a mountain lake (Lago Paione Superiore, Central Alps, Italy): a multidisciplinary, paleolimnological study. submitted to Journal of Paleolimnology.
Hofer, R., Pittracher, H., Koeck, G., Weyrer, S. 1994. Metal accumulaiton by Arctic char (Salvelinus a. alpinus) in a remote acid alpine lake. In: R. Mueller and Lloyd (Eds.) Sublethal and chronic pollutants in freshwater fish. FAO Fishing News Books. pp 294-300.
Johannessen, M., R. Mosello and H. Barth (Eds.) 1990. Acidification processes in remote Mountain lakes. Proc. EEC Workshop, Pallanza, Italy, 20-22 June 1989, Air Pollution Research Report 20: 216 pp.
Kopacek, J., Prochazkova, L., Stuchlik, E., and Blazka, P. 1995. The nitrogen-phosphorus relationship in mountain lakes: Influence of atmospheric input, watershed, and pH. Limnol. Oceanogr. 40 (5). pp 930-937.
Kock, G., Hofer, R., and Wograth, S. 1995. Accumulation of trace metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn) in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) form oligotrophic Alpine lakes: relation to alkalinity. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 52: 2367-2376.
Kock, G., Triendl, M., and Hofer, R. 1996. Seasonal patterns of metal accumulation in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) from an oligotrophic Alpine lake related to temperature. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53: 780-786
Kock, G., Noggler, M., and Hofer, R. 1996. Pb in otoliths and opercula of a Arctic char (Salvelinus Alpinus) from oligotrophic lakes. Wat. Res. Vol. 30. No. 8. pp. 1919-1923.
Lami, A., A. Marchetto, P. Guilizzoni, A. Giorgis & J. Masaferro. 1994. Paleolimnological records of carotenoids and carbonaceous particles in sediments of some lakes in Southern Alps. Hydrobiologia 274: 57-64.
Larsen, J., Birks, H.J.B., Raddum, G. & Fjellheim, A. 1996. Quantitative relationships of invertebrates to pH in Norwegian river systems. Hydrobiologia (in press).
Marchetto, A. 1994. Rescaling species optima estimated by weighted averaging. J. Paleolimn. 12: 155-162.
Marchetto, A. & A. Lami. 1994. Reconstruction of pH by chrysophycean scales in some lakes of the Southern Alps. Hydrobiologia 274: 83-90.
Marchetto, A., R. Mosello, R. Psenner, A. Barbieri, G. Bendetta, D. Tait & G.A. Tartari. 1994. Evaluation of the level of acidification and the critical loads for Alpine lakes. Ambio 23: 150-154.
Marchetto, A., A. Barbieri, R. Mosello and G.A. Tartari. 1994. Acidification and weathering processes in high mountain lakes in Southern Alps. Hydrobiologia, 274: 75-81.
Mosello, R., A. Lami, P. Guilizzoni, M. Manca, A.M. Nocentini, A. Pugnetti, A. Boggero, A. Marchetto, G.A. Tartari, R. Bettinetti, M. Bonardi and P. Cammarano. 1993. Limnological studies on two acid sensitive lakes in the Central Alps (Lakes Paione Superiore and Paione Inferiore, Italy). Mem. Ist.ital. Idrobiol. 51: 127-146.
Mosello, R., B.M. Wathne and G. Giussani (Eds.). 1992. Limnology on groups of remote lakes: ongoing and planned activities. Doc. Ist. ital. Idrobiol., 32: 128 pp.
Mosello, R., Wathne, B.M., Boggero, A., Marchetto, A. 1995.Research carried out in remote mountain lakes: the AL:PE projects. Annali di Chimica, 85: 395-405.
Mosello, R., Wathne, B.M., Lien, L., Birks, H.J.B. 1995. AL:PE projects: Water chemistry and Critical loads. Water Air and Soil Pollution.85: 493-498, 1995.
Mosello, R., Boggero, A., Marchetto, G.A., Wathne, B.M., Lien, L., 1998. Chemistry of headwater lakes studied in the EU-project Acidification of mountain lakes: palaeolimnology and ecology (AL:PE) Proceedings from Headwater98. Interbnational conference on Headwater Control IV: Hydrlogy, Water Resources and Ecology in Headwaters. Meran/Merano, Italy 20-23 April 1998.
Rieradevall, M.; Jimenez, M. & Prat, N. The zoobenthos of six remote mountain lakes in Spain and Portugal. Verh. Verein. Internat. Limnol. (in press)
Rieradevall,, M.& Prat, N. El zoobentos en los lagos y lagunas de alta montana de la Peninsula Iberica y su interes como indicadores de cambios ambientales. Actas de las Jornadas sobre Conservacion de lagos y humedales de alta montana de la Peninsula Iberica . (in press)
Rieradevall, M. Jimenez, M. & Prat, N. 1995. The zoobenthos of high mountain lakes in Spain and Portugal. In: Proc. XXVI SIL Congress (International Association on Limnologie). Sao Paulo Brasil.
Rieradevall, M. 1996. Macroinvertebrados bentonicos en seis lagos de alta montana y sus efluentes de la peninsula iberica. (Title in English: Benthonic macroinvertebrates in six high mountain lakes and their outlets in the Iberian peninsula). In: Proc. VII Congreso Iberico de Entomologia. Organization: Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia. Santiago de Compostela. Spain
Rieradevall, M. 1997. El zoobentos en los lagos y lagunas de alta montana de la Peninsula Iberica y su interes como indicadores de cambios ambientales. (Title in English: Zoobenthos in high mountain lakes and lagoons in the Iberian peninsula and their interes as indicators of environmental changes). In: Proc. Jornadas sobre Conservacion de lagos y humedales de alta montana de la Peninsula Iberica. Organization: Dep. Ecologia- U.A.M. (Authonomous University of Madrid) and Asociacion Espanola de Limnologia. Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid) Spain
Rose, N.L. 1995. Carbonaceous particle record in lake sediments form the Arctic and other remote areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Sci. Tot. Environ., 160/161, 487-496.
Rose, N.L., Harlock, S., Appleby, P.G., and Battarbee, R.W. 1995. Dating of recent lake sediments in the United Kingdom and Ireland using spheroidal carbonaceous particle (SCP) concentration profiles. The Holocene, 5,3 pp. 328-335.
Rose, N.L. 1996. Inorganic fly-ash spheres as pollution tracers. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 91, No. 2, pp. 245-252
Rosseland, B.O., Lien, L., Morrison, B., Massabuau, J.-C., Hofer, R., Rodriguez, D., Grimalt, J., Moiseenko, T. 1995. AL:PE Projects. Fish population studies.In: Proc. 5th. Int. Conf. Acidic Deposition, Gothenburg, June 1995.
Schnell, R. A. & Raddum G. G. 1993. Past and present fauna of chironomids in remote mountain lakes. Preliminary results from the ALPE 1 project. - In: G.Giussani and C. Callieri (eds), Strategies for Lake Ecosystems Beyond 2000, Proceedings, Stresa, pp. 444 - 447.
Vilanova, R., Fernandez, P., Grimalt, J.O., Appelby, P.G., Rose, N.L., Battarbee, W.R. 1995. The use of high mountain lake sedimentary records for the study of the European environmental change. In: J.O. Grimalt and C. Dorronsoro (eds.) Organic geochemistry: Developments and applications to energy, climate, environment and human history. A.I.G.O.A. Donostia. pp. 575-577.
Wathne, B.M., Fjellheim, A., Johannessen, M., Raddum, G.G., Rosseland, B.O., Battarbee, R.W., Patrick, S., Mosello, R. 1991. AL:PE: Acidification of mountain Lakes: Palaeolimnology and Ecology. In: Proc. Conf. Limnology of Mountain Lakes, Stara Lesna, Czechoslovakia. July 1991.
Wathne, B.M. 1992. Acidification of mountain lakes:palaeolimnology and ecology. The AL:PE Project. In Mosello, R., Wathne, B.M., Guissani, G. (Eds.) Limnology on groups of remote lakes: ongoing and planned activities. Doc. Ist. Ital. Idrobiol. 32:7-22. 1992.
Wathne, B.M., Rosseland, B.O. 1993. Norsk Miljrovervlking som grunnlag for internasjonale samarbeidsprosjekt. I: Stordal, F. og Flrisand, I.(Eds.). Tilfrrsler og virkninger av lufttransporterte forurensninger (TVLF): Forskning og overvlking. Sammendrag av foredrag og postere fra mrte pl Olavsgaard Hotell 2.-3. desember 1991. NILU OR 26/93.
Wathne, B.M., Battarbee, R.W., Johannessen, M., Mosello, Patrick, S., R., Raddum, G.G., Rosseland, B.O., Lien, L., Tait, D., Massabuau, J.-C., Blake, G. 1993. The AL:PE projects, first results and further plans. Mem. Ist. Ital. Idrobiolo. 52: 341-354.
Wathne, B.M., Raddum, G.G., Cameron, N., Lien, L., Patrick, S.T. 1993. AL:PE 2 - Acidification of Mountain Lakes: Palaeolimnology and Ecology, Remote Mountain Lakes as Indicators of Air Pollution and Climate Change. In: Proc. Int. Symp. On The Ecological Effects Of Arctic Airborne Contaminanats. Reikjavik, Island October 1993.
Wathne, B.M. Partick, S.T., Monteith, D., and Barth, H. (Eds.) 1995. AL:PE PROJECT PART 1: AL:PE - Acidification of Mountain Lakes: Palaeolimnology and Ecology. AL:PE 1 Report for the periode April 1991 - April 1993. Ecosystems Research Report No 9. European Commission, D-G XII, Brussels 296pp.
Wathne, B.M., Battarbee, R.W., Patrick, S., Johannessen, M., Cameron, N.G., Rosseland, B.O., Raddum, G.G., Fott, J., Mosello, R., Birks, H.J.B. 1995. AL:PE 1 Acidification of mountain Lakes: Palaeolimnology and Ecology, AL:PE 2 Remote mountain lakes as indicators of air pollution and climate change. In: Proc. 5th. Int. Conf. Acidic Deposition, Gothenburg, June 1995.
Wathne, B.M., Raddum, G.G. 1996. AL:PE Prosjektet: Remote mountain lakes as indicators of air pollution and climate change. In: Frisand, I. and Lrbersli, E. (Eds.) Lufttransporterte forurensninger - Tilfrrsler, virkninger og tllegrenser. Sammendrag av foredrag og postere fra mrte pl Klckken Hotell, Hrnefoss, 22. - 24. januar 1996. Miljrverndepartementet Fagrapport 77. NILU OR 2/96.
AL:PE Reports
Moiseenko, T., Dauvalter, V. Kagan, L., Vandysh, O., Yakovlev, V., Lukin, A., Kashulin, N., Kudravceva; L. AL:PE 2. The Ecosystem of Kola Mountain Lakes. Early response indicators of atmospheric pollution. Report -1/1994. Institute of the North Industrial Ecology Problems (INEP).
Moiseenko, T., Dauvalter, V. Kagan, L., Sharov, A., Landysh, Kashulin, N., O., Yakovlev, V. AL:PE 2. Air Pollution effects on the Mountain Lakes of Kola Northern Russia. Report -2/1995. Institute of the North Industrial Ecology Problems (INEP).
Wathne, B.M. (Ed.): AL:PE - Acidification of Mountain Lakes: Palaeolimnology and Ecology. Site Information and Investigation Methods. AL:PE Report 1/1992. Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo 1992.
Wathne, B.M. (Ed.): AL:PE - Acidification of Mountain Lakes: Palaeolimnology and Ecology. Progress Report 1991/92. STEP PROGRAMME. AL:PE Report 2/1992. Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo 1992.
Wathne, B.M. (Ed.): AL:PE 2- Acidification of Mountain Lakes: Palaeolimnology and Ecology. Remote Mountain Lkaes as Indicators of Air Pollution and Climate Change. Progress Report 1993. ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME. AL:PE Report 1/1994. Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo 1994.
Wathne, B.M. (Ed.): AL:PE 2- Acidification of Mountain Lakes: Palaeolimnology and Ecology. Remote Mountain Lkaes as Indicators of Air Pollution and Climate Change. Progress Report 1994. ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME. AL:PE Report 1/1995. Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo 1995.
Wathne, B.M. Rosseland, B.O., Lien, L.: AL:PE - Acidification of Mountain Lakes: Palaeolimnology and Ecology. Part 2 - Utvidelse. Sluttrapport til Norges Forskningsrld. Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo 1996.